Personal, Music (& some Code) Highlights of 2020

Unusual year! I spent some time doing normal things like slinging code and music. I spent a lot more time changing the way I see the world and my place in it. I also went micro viral on TikTok back in March. Thanks to all who were a part of it 👾

published on December 22nd, 2020
updated on January 1st, 2023
estimated reading time: 3 min


January 1st: New Year’s Eve party with my friends at Peter and Kyla’s apartment.

First selfie of 2020.

first selfie of 2020

January 10th: The Good Few played a sold out show at Bowery Ballroom.

The Good Few playing a sold out show at Bowery Ballroom.

The Good Few plays Bowery Ballroom

January 11th–12th: Recording sessions with my friend Katie Glasgow, working on some of her solo music.

January 22nd: My Ableton Live and the Push 2 bundle arrived. This was an important first step in re-examining my relationship with music this year.

January 29th: minikit SoFar show at Kinfolk in Williamsburg.

January 31st: minikit released '400 Coffees (Ursae Flip)' thanks Andrew!


February 14th: Modern Diet released 'Post Grad'. A song about life after college. I played bass guitar on it.

Post Grad by Modern Diet artwork.

‘Post Grad’ artwork by Camille Petricola

February 23rd: Covey played a sold out show opening for Summer Salt at Music Hall of Williamsburg - my final live performance of 2020.

Covey performing at Music Hall of Williamsburg.

Covey plays Music Hall of Williamsburg


March 19th: A TikTok I made of my dad playing basketball gets over 100k views.

March 26th: A second TikTok I made of my dad playing basketball gets over 110k views.


April 3rd: Cannon released 'CONVERSATIONS'. I co-produced and co-wrote this track.



May 1st: Launched - a landing page for the Queens, New York based electronic funk band BAD.

May 21st: Cannon released 'BROKEN MIRRORS'. I co-produced this track.


May 23rd: I posted a remix of 'i finally understand' by Charli XCX to SoundCloud. This my first (and only, so far) production made with Ableton to be released.


July 4th: Great hand in Prospect Park to celebrate my friend Peter's birthday.

Dan sitting in a tree in Prospect Park.

July 5th: Initial commits on a LifeOS / external-brain side project I’m very excited to continue working on. Please ask me about this if you’re curious to know more!


August 6th: My 26th birthday :']

Dan sitting in a backyard.

26 :’] Photo by Sara Laufer

August 13th: Katie Glasgow released 'Tarot Cards' from the recording sessions we did back in January.

Tarot Cards by Katie Glasgow.

August 31st: Started reading/doing The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.


September 11th-15th: Late summer / early fall trip to Cape Cod with my cousin Jess to unwind and catch up.

Sunset over Cape Cod Bay.

late summer Cape Cod Bay sunset.

September 16th: Celebrated my official one year anniversary of employment as Junior Front End Engineer at Thinx Inc.


October 31st: Halloween. I went as: “Bridget.”

Dan in his 2020 Halloween costume: Briget.


November 13th: Panther Hollow releases Songwiring. I played bass guitar on two songs from this album: "Landslide" and "Maine Coast."

Songwiring by Panther Hollow.

Songwiring artwork by Bernardo Ochoa

November 21st: Zoom Thanksgiving. Grateful to have spent the day at home with my parents.

Dan in his childhood home preparing for Zoom Thanksgiving 2020.

Me on my way to Zoom Thanksgiving 2020

November 26th: Officially completed The Artist’s Way (and I'm still doing the morning pages & artist date).


December 18th: Notes from the Archive: Recordings 2011–2016 by Maggie Rogers is released. I played bass guitar on six songs from this album: 'Celadon & Gold', 'Together', 'Steady Now', 'One More Afternoon', 'James' and 'Anybody.'

Notes from the Archive: Recordings 2011-2016.

This post was originally published on my medium account.