Music, Personal & Work Highlights of 2021

The theme of the year for me was reclaiming my time and my energy. Thank you to all who were a part of it 💐

published on December 19th, 2021
updated on January 1st, 2023
estimated reading time: 3 min


January 23rd: Dead of winter park hang with some friends. The lockdown was getting to us.

Two friends standing near the East River in Williamsburg Brooklyn.

my friend Carly and I during the aforementioned hang


February 6th: Socially distant & masked recording session with my friend Jack working on what would become the first ever music releases for my new project young and nauseous.

February 13th - 20th: Spent the week in Cape Cod, MA with my cousin Jess and her partner Raminta.

A house on the bay in Cape Cod in February.

Cape Cod in February

February 27th: Another socially distant recording session with Jack working on young and nauseous.


March 6th: Another young and nauseous recording session.

March 8th: The Thinx Inc. virtual office closes in observance of International Women’s Day.

March 21st: Photoshoot with my friend Sara to generate some promotional content for young and nauseous.

Person seated on the grass in a park eating ice cream.

Photo by Sara Laufer


April 13th: I received my first COVID vaccine dose.

April 16th: The fourth recording session for young and nauseous so far this year.

Masked person in a recording studio playing electric guitar.

young and nauseous recording session

April 24th: The weather was really nice. Got sandwiches and chilled with my friends in McCarren Park.

Texting with Grace.

Hana food shoutout.


May 11th: I received the second COVID vaccine dose.

May 12th: goes live. An informational / presentational website existing within the universe of my project: young and nauseous. Designed and coded by me.

May 14th: I released the double single 'mood ring / jillian' — the first ever music release from young and nauseous.

Mood ring / jillian by young and nauseous artwork.

mood ring / jillian artwork by me

May 21st: I released the second young and nauseous single: ‘bulletproof limousine’

May 28th - June 2nd: I spent Memorial Day with my cousins Jess and Matthew as well as Jess' partner Raminta in Cape Cod, MA.

Cape Cod bay at sunset.

Cape Cod Bay at sunset


June 18th: The Thinx Inc. virtual office closed in observance of Juneteenth.

June 27th: Hung out with my friends Noah and Camille in Tompkins Square Park.

Noah and Camille on a checkered blanket in Tompkins Square Park.

Noah and Camille :']


July 3rd: I purchased this stunning Rickie’s Guitar Shop P-bass on a whim from Main Drag Music in Williamsburg.

Pink and white electric P-bass with a sea green faux leather strap.

July 22nd: First Covey rehearsal in preparation for the fall tour.


August 6th: My 27th birthday :]

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it was fun

August 13th: Covey show at TV Eye in Brooklyn. My first time on stage since February 2020.

August 27th: Songwriting session with my friends Jack and Cannon.

August 28th: I performed with Panther Hollow at East Berlin in Manhattan for to celebrate my friend and Panther Hollow bandleader Nardo’s move to Philadelphia.

Playing my Richie's Guitar Shop P-bass at East Berlin.

Performing with Panther Hollow at East Berlin

August 31st: Performed once more with Panther Hollow at Baby’s All Right in Brooklyn at a secret Daisy the Great show.


September 3rd: Covey fall tour kicks off in Pittsburgh.

September 25th: Tour passes through Music Hall of Williamsburg in Brooklyn. One of the best nights on the whole run.


All month: Covey Tour :]

Summer Salt / Covey / Breakup Shoes Fall Tour poster.


November 11th: Tour officially concludes in Salt Lake City.

November 14th: Covey arrives back in Brooklyn.

November 21st: I saw my friend Cannon perform a small acoustic set in Brooklyn.

November 25th: Had a more normal Thanksgiving celebration than last year.

November 26th: Covey performed at Bowery Ballroom in Manhattan supporting Kevin Devine.


December 1st: Pre-production meeting with my friend Jack related to the upcoming young and nauseous recording sessions.

December 2nd- 4th: young and nauseous recording.

Person playing electric guitar in a recording studio.

photo by Jack Hoffman

December 6th: My mother, Nancy Kaboolian, was sworn in as mayor of Ardsley, NY for a third consecutive term.

Nancy Kaboolian being sworn in as mayor of Ardsley, New York.

December 8th: I saw two great sets from Lazy Lazy and Daisy the Great at Sultan Room in Brooklyn.

December 11th: Celebrated my childhood friend Josh’s birthday in Manhattan.

December 13th: I received the booster dose of the COVID vaccine.

This post was originally published on my medium account.