april 2023 highlights

april 2023 tiny journal

published on May 3rd, 2023
updated on December 12th, 2023
estimated reading time: 1 min

april 1st

  • 9 mile run, played an incredible show with Covey at Baby’s Alright

april 2nd

  • KBBQ dinner with a bunch of friends from high school followed by Van Leeuwen's for dessert

april 3rd

  • launched bareminerals.com - a big milestone at my job. went for chill walk with a friend after work

april 4th

  • Had the first session of Creative Studio Building class in the evening.

april 5th

  • Weather was nasty, still rocked a 6 mile run.

april 6th

  • Bit of a reset day: laundry and meal prep. Worked on some music for my session coming up in May.

april 7th

  • Super normal day at work. Met a friend in McCarren for a little picnic afterwards

april 8th

  • Ten mile run, traveled home to celebrate Easter with my family

april 9th

  • Easter things with the family :] traveled back to the city afterwards

april 10th

  • Saw Harry play with Henry Jamison at Music Hall of Williamsburg, a very calm but moving show

april 11th

  • Work from the office then Creative Studio building afterwards.

april 12th

  • Caught up with Sam and Nate at Radagast after work for the duration of a grilled chicken sandwich and a single half liter beer.

april 13th

  • Met up with Noah after work. We got some drinks at Hana food and chilled in McCarren. Jessica came through later on.

april 14th

  • Gave a presentation at work on the app I’ve been building. Met up with Josh in the evening for a dog walk hang. Biked out to Bed Stuy for a roof party at Sam’s apartment

april 15th

  • 11 mile run completed partially with Josh. Met up with Camille and Davis for an evening espresso then headed to Bushwick for Jake’s birthday party.

april 16th

  • Biked to Dumbo to meet a friend for coffee. Dinner with Jasper at Cafe Mogador. Overwatch with the boys in the evening.

april 17th

  • 3 mile run, work, haircut, laundry, grocery store, meal prep, discord with friends, a bit of blog post writing before bed

april 18th

  • biked to the office, creative studio building, three mile run

april 19th

  • five mile run, read in the park, lil picnic drinks with Dom at Lake Street

april 20th

  • watched Oakley for the day, worked from the office, had a little dinner and happy hour at the office

april 21st

  • 3 mile run, met Sam and Jada at Turtles All The Way Down, met up with Camille and Sam and Ray and Davis’ housewarming party

april 22nd

  • 8 mile run, coffee with Chinua, played Overwatch with Noah and Andrew. got tacos delivered.

april 23rd

  • loose day, got up slowly and did my morning routine. Went out to see the Mario movie with friends in the afternoon, sat in Domino for a bit.

april 24th

  • 5 mile run, meal prepped, laundry. Getting ready to travel home tomorrow. Calm before the storm vibes today.

april 25th

  • went into the office for the afternoon, creative studio building. Traveled home to Westchester in the evening. Watched some playoff hockey in the evening

april 26th

  • Blood work and Dr. Appointment in Westchester. Got dinner with my mom and traveled back to Brooklyn.

april 27th

  • Worked, ran seven miles. not much else

april 28th

  • 3 mile run, full day of meetings at work, went to the Whitney and got drinks :]

april 29th

  • 12 mile run in the pouring rain. watched Hustle in bed afterwards. Later I hung out with Josh, got a quesadilla and watched Friday Night Lights

april 30th

  • Loose day of recovering, working on personal projects and playing Overwatch with Noah and Andrew

previous month's tiny journal: march 2023

next month's tiny journal: may 2023